The rules regarding payment section contains a list of Rules and frequently asked questions pertaining to paying Rent, Debt Collectors, and It's My Birthday action cards. Topics range from basic "Can you pay with property" and "How is paying with a House card handled" to "Is change given if I overpay". The official Monopoly Rules are used to answer as many of the questions as possible. If the official rules are not known for that question then the generally accepted answer is used.
1. Who chooses what you pay with when playing? Can I choose what cards to pay with?
You choose what you pay with. You can choose to pay with cards from your bank, property cards, hotels/houses or a combination of all in any order. It is up to the player paying to determine how to pay.
2. If you pay with property, does that property go into your opponents bank?
No, property always goes into the property section face up on the table in front of each player. If you pay with property, that property goes into your opponents property section.
3. Where does the property card go if you pay with property?
If you pay with property, that property goes into your opponents property section. Property cards can only be played into the property section.
4. If a player pays me with an action card, can I use it?
No, if the action card was in their bank, it is considered money and goes directly into your bank. You cannot use the action card.
5. If I have to pay with property or want to pay with property, does the other player pick the property?
No, the player who is paying decides what they want to pay with.
6. Which Monopoly Deal cards can I use to pay Rent?
You can pay with any combination of cards on the table in front of you that include money, property, action cards, and houses/hotels. You cannot pay with any cards in your hand. The cards must be laid on the table during your turn in order to be used for payment.
7. What if I don’t have the exact amount of money to pay another player? Is change given?
No change is given. If you do not have the exact amount, the opponent gets to keep the remaining!
8. Can I put the cards that people pay me with into my hand?
No, once a card is laid on the table, it remains on the table. You can never put cards back into your hand.
9. Can you pay from your hand?
No, you cannot pay with any cards in your hand. You can only pay with the cards you have laid on the table in front of you during your turn.
10. When playing, what if I don’t have enough Monopoly money to pay another player?
You pay the opponent everything you can up to the required amount. If you do not have enough, the opponent only gets what you can give them from the cards on table in front of you and they are out the remaining amount.
11. When charged Rent can I pay with property instead of money?
Yes, you can choose to pay with any combination of cards on the table in front of you that include money, property, action cards, and houses/hotels.
12. What if I have no money or property to pay?
If you have no cards in front of you worth any monetary amount shown on the corner of the card, you do not pay anything.